2 min readAug 30, 2021

Literature Review

United States presence in Indian Ocean: Counter strategy against China in IOR


Indian Ocean is a fundamental front line of rivalry for the worldwide forces like US, India and China in contemporary occasions. As Alfred Mahan referenced that whoever controls Indian Ocean controls the predetermination of the world. In spite of the fact that US hold power in this locale after the withdrawal of UK. Indian Ocean locale is the center point of political and monetary exercises. Like other worldwide forces, US likewise has its advantage around here and because of this US has set up its military maritime base Diego Garcia. As IOR is the center of rivalry for provincial forces, US generally support India to counter China. To contain China’s quality in IOR, US has fostered the essential binds with India because of its geo-vital position. China has surpassed as the biggest energy purchaser concerning US. China is arising and developing the maritime locales in Indian sea causing danger for US and India too. American presence in Indian Ocean emerged after WWII and US end up being the fundamental backer of insurance of high oceans in Indian Ocean Region. The post 9/11 time has denoted a rising contribution of the US Administration around here. In the light of 9/11 assault on US, President Bush featured two supplanting security worries in his discourse, Bush gave strategy rules to the US association in the Indian Ocean. As per Bush two significant highlights of the US association incorporates first, to countering china and second, getting oil shipping lanes. China is arising as the second driving economy around the world and its transnational mammoth task and Silk Road Economic Belt project with Pakistan and other Asian States. The US counter procedure towards china’s ascent. China’s maritime projection can be followed back to the prime of Qing tradition; the China’s maritime inheritance was not delayed a long ways past the Cape of Good Hope. The provincial neighbors of China see the maritime projection as a fearsome hostile power in Indian Ocean. That is the explanation the US and its local partners think about the maritime modernization of China in Indo-Pacific as a likely danger to its inclinations. In like manner the predominant maritime situation of China is turning into the reason for conflict of interests between the two significant states China and the US. The US Pivot to Asia system with its partners to circle China along the eastern and southern island chain outskirts. Further for the control of China, the US additionally fabricated vital rings and furthermore grows its safeguard settlements with its South Asian provincial partners to enclose China around here.


  1. (2017) America’s Indian Ocean Strategy, Strategic Comments, 23:9, vi-vii, DOI: 10.1080/13567888.2017.1398535

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